Resources and Policy Documents

Resources for Parents/Guardians

在威尼斯人平台,我们努力确保对学生面临的挑战进行开放的沟通,让学生感到积极. 我们的立场是,如果在学生到达之前就在家里开始这种交流,效果会更好. 在这里,我们为家长们提供了一本详细的手册,帮助他们了解美国大威尼斯人平台园面临的一个更大的问题.S.、酒精. Please read it and talk to your student before they arrive. 


Leer el Manual Para Padres

About the Community Standards Process

社区标准过程(用于解决冲突或违反社区标准)是一种教育, non-adversarial process aimed at preventing recurrence, 修复的伤害, and restoring trust within the 社区.  If you have specific questions about the process, refer to the resources and 常见问题 below.


如果您对社区标准办公室或标准流程有任何疑问,请在下面回答, please feel free to contact our office.


Q1: What is the role of the Community Standards Process?

社区标准流程(用于解决冲突或违反社区标准/大学政策)是一种教育, non-adversarial process aimed at preventing recurrence, 修复的伤害, and restoring trust within the 社区. The core values embodied in the Code of Student Conduct include integrity, 公平, 尊重, 社区, 和责任.

我们的目标是让社区标准过程的所有参与者都能获得有益的教育经验. 条件反射, 社区标准办公室致力于参与与学生和校园社区其他成员的持续对话,以便我们能够更好地帮助威尼斯人平台真正成为大学使命宣言中所描述的“学者社区”.

Q2: What are the policies and where do they come from?

Our policies are designed to: (1) protect the safety and wellbeing of every person, (2)确保大学和大学社区的所有成员遵守当地的, 状态, 以及联邦法律, (3) prevent interference with the normal operations of the university, and (4) maintain an environment that is conducive to educational success.

学生可以接触到这些政策,并被要求了解和遵守这些政策. 学生行为准则和其他相关政策可在本页的“资源”部分获得.


Our office uses a software platform to track correspondence and conduct cases. This software also protects student privacy better than direct email. 这是完全安全和可靠的,这是我们与学生就行为问题进行正式沟通的方式. Follow the directions and link the email.

Q4: My letter notifies me of a scheduled meeting. 这是什么意思??

在办公室见到某人并不意味着你有麻烦或被指控做错了. 有各种各样的原因导致学生收到我们办公室的会议请求. 最常见的是学生的名字在事件报告中被提及(通常由公共安全或社区助理生成)。, where a policy violation may have taken place. Our first step is to talk with the individuals involved to better understand the event. This can include witnesses, those who were targeted or negatively impacted by the incident, and those who may be responsible for the incident. Even in cases where a student may be responsible for a policy violation, no decisions are made before the meeting, except in extreme cases (see Q8 below).


Q5: Is this meeting mandatory?

是的. 我们承诺在我们的程序中做到公平,收集所有的信息,并在做出决定之前给有关各方一个表达意见的机会. 我们也有责任采取权宜之计,这样我们就可以结束特定的危险或不法行为, 修复伤害, 防止复发, and restore trust within the 社区. 因此,我们要求学生尽一切努力尽可能方便地安排和参加要求的会议. 也, per the Code of Student Conduct, 学生必须遵守所有履行其职责的大学官员的要求和指示.

We recognize that students are busy. A meeting is expected to take priority over all 活动 except classes. 我们的办公室可以查看学生的课程安排,我们会特意安排与课堂不冲突的时间. If you believe you have a legitimate scheduling conflict, contact the professional staff member who requested the meeting as soon as possible, 解释情况, 请求重新安排. In some cases, rescheduling is not a problem. 在某些情况下,我们希望学生重新安排他们的活动,以参加要求的会议.

Q6: Who are the staff members that conduct these meetings?

会议由大学里训练有素的专业人员专门负责. This person could be one of the Resident Directors or Graduate Assistants, the Assistant Director of Residence Life, or the Director of Community Standards. This is not an exhaustive list, but this is who you can expect, more often than not.

Q7: What should I expect in this meeting?

所有社区标准促进者都致力于从头到尾提供公平和教育的过程. 我们把每一个学生作为一个成年人和这个社区的宝贵成员,我们明白,一个情况并不总是反映一个人的性格. 正因为如此, 我们试图了解每一个学生作为一个个体,并了解事件的背景.

我们还会解释会议的过程和目的,并回答您可能提出的任何问题. 我们通常会问一些问题,试图了解事件的细节, and communicate the next steps.

It is important to remember this is a learning process and that honesty is paramount. 我们尽最大努力使我们的流程和政策尽可能方便和透明, and we expect honesty and partnership from every member of the University 社区.


Q8: What happens if I don't attend or respond?

拒绝遵守程序的学生将被追究责任,并在缺席的情况下受到制裁. They can face additional sanctions for failure to comply, which can include suspension from the college, 违规罚款100美元, 以及其他制裁措施.

Q9: What happens if I'm found responsible for violating a policy?

There are various sanctions that can be assigned to students, including educational workshops and 活动, parental notification (in cases of alcohol and drug policy violations), loss of some campus privileges, 和暂停/驱逐. Consult the Code of Student Conduct for a more complete list. Sanctions are chosen to fit the situation, and are designed to 防止复发, 修复的伤害, and restore trust within the 社区.

Q10: What if I don't agree with the outcome of the conduct process?

Our office is committed to 公平. Most procedures allow students to appeal the decision. See the Code of Student Conduct for details on appeals. It is important to note that this is not a legal process, but an educational one. Our standard for decisions is preponderance of evidence, 它的意思是确定某事是否“更有可能”(与“排除合理怀疑”相对)。.


在决定因违反政策而给予何种教育制裁时,要考虑许多因素. 这些包括学生的不同角色或环境(即使是涉及同一事件的学生), and a student’s disciplinary history. 教育是我们的目标, and not all people learn in the same way, so while we are committed to 公平 and consistency, 我们也致力于研究每个学生的角色,以及对他们个人来说什么是最好的.

Q12: How are records tracked, and what will go on my transcript or be shared with parties outside of the University?

Records are kept and maintained internally. Expulsion will be noted on the student's official University transcript. Suspension can be noted on a transcript. No other sanctions are noted on student transcripts. 如果是学生, 不满21岁的, 被发现对酗酒或吸毒负有责任,他们的父母会被通知吗. 如果一个学生是运动员, 的季节, 被发现对酒精或其他药物违规负责的教练将被通知. 当其他机构, 雇主, or bar associations contact our office for student disciplinary records, we typically only share incidents that are serious enough to result in conduct probation, 停学或开除.